AutoresponderCreate Drip Groups

Autoresponders or Drip Campaigns are emails or groups of emails which are sent to a contact when some sort of trigger is activated such as the contact being added to a list.

MyEmailProgram allows you to create multiple, sequential autoresponder emails for each of your contact lists. You can schedule these emails down to the hour.

Filter the Recipient List

You can assign a Drip Campaign to your entire list or only a portion of it, such as those in New York with under 10 employees or leads from last week's trade show who have ticked the "Send me more information" box on your signup form.

This means you can assign multiple Drip Campaigns to one list based on custom filters instead of separating your contacts across multiple lists.

HTML, Text or Both (Multipart)

Create beautiful HTML emails, informative text emails or both using the integrated campaign editor. Multipart autoresponders are sent as HTML and text and your subscriber's email client will show whichever version it supports best.

You can also add attachments to your autoresponders to deliver specific info products or supporting files to subscribers.

Autoresponder StatisticsOpen/Link/Unsubscribe Reporting

Just like email campaign statistics you can see who opened your autoresponder, which links they clicked on and more, including unsubscribe and bounce reports. You can also see full geo-reports to identify every open and click down to the city level.